Ever came across a picture of another and thought just how great their life must be that they really have it all together; me too! I am so guilty of comparing my life to those around me-thinking {WOW} what a great life they live! I believe we are all good at hiding our faults and failures from behind the screen and/or camera where everything appears to be just peachy. Lets all be honest here and come to an agreement that none of our lives are as though they seem from the outside looking in. Our lives arent perfect and we really don't have it all together. Most days I am lucky if I can make it out of the door without tripping over my sons sippy cup left out from dinner a week ago, or slipping on the wet bathroom floor after our routine of morning baths, or stubbing my pinky toe (you know the one that makes you wanna say that bad word :/) on toys that have been left out for days! The truth is mom life can be overwhelming at times, but when it hits me the hardest is when I truly come to realize just how much I need The Lord and how much more miserable my life would be if I had to live it without Him! The enemy is notorious for whispering lies in my ear to tell me just how terrible of a mother I am, how I am failing in my career, and how I will never be enough! It is true- he really does come to kill, steal, and destroy and he has no mercy! His goal is to take you out while dragging your family, friends, and everything else with you. However, I am thankful that I serve a God who says {Greater Is He Who Is In Me Than He Who Is In The World}!
Its time that we grab hold of that very truth! We are more than conquerors through Christ! I pray today that you gain confidence in whom you belong and whom you can trust. I pray that we begin to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies! You are enough! You are a conqueror! You are victorious in Jesus name!
In His Grip,
Sarah Abernathy