There is just something about the word FREE that draws ones attention. You know what I'm talking about- when you go to a yard sale and the first box you hit up is the one that has big letters written on the front in black sharpie-FREE! Even in a situation where we need to get rid of things in our home, though we know they hold value, we give them away because we are desperate to relocate them knowing if we ask nothing for them somebody will take them in return. Wow! What power that word holds! We are always looking for the next greatest deal-or even better something that is gifted to us with no price tag or strings attached to it. Can I just share with you- we have full access to that kind of freedom through Jesus Christ but yet we don't rush to receive it. We don't long to have it! My friend this freedom-the one that comes through Him- holds higher value than any "free" gift we could receive here on earth!!
This is the word that The Lord has given me to stand on this year for my life circumstances. FREEDOM!! I'm believing for it in more areas than what I can even count. I know what your thinking, "man she must be bound to so many things." The truth is- I am! We all are! We are bound to our jobs, our children, our spouse, and more times than not we are bound to TOO MANY commitments. This life has a way of keeping us so busy that we sometimes neglect the very most important things- our Savior, our family, and our friends. However, though it is true, and we do need freedom in those areas also, that's not the kind of freedom I'm talking about today. I am talking about the kind of freedom that only Jesus Christ Himself can bring. Freedom from doubt. Freedom from fear. Freedom from stress and anxiety. Freedom from bondages and addictions. Freedom from religion. Freedom from the normalcy of our everyday monotonous routines. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! I cant say it enough! God Himself came down in the form of man to walk on this earth-encountering trials and tribulations similar to those that we encounter today- so that we could be free. He died on a cross so that you and I may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10). That means we have access to complete freedom!
I will be the first to admit that I have been guilty; and I'm still not walking in 100% freedom in every area of my life-hints the title of this blog! Ha-Ha! However, unlike today, there has been times in my life where I was so bound to things I couldn't even see that they were affecting me. I had several "physical" addictions that I was aware of because hello, lets face it, those were easy to recognize. I smoked for years and I gambled every last dollar that I ever earned away. Those were easy problems to recognize and God was faithful to deliver me out of both circumstances that only painted an unhealthy future for me! I'm thankful for Gods mercy during those difficult times of my life! However, it did take years for me to realize that I was bound in other areas that weren't as easy to see as the "physical" issues. I held on to situations from my past that caused bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness. Had I known from the beginning that these things would open doors for the enemy to come in and cause destruction for future circumstances in my life I would have dealt with them sooner. I know... it all sounds really easy but the truth is, the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He comes and hides in the dark areas of our hearts and it takes light to drive out darkness! So until I allowed Jesus Christ to shine His marvelous light into those dark troublesome areas of my heart I couldn't seem to walk in complete freedom! You see, if we don't deal with the very root of the problem when we face hard times in our lives, they can cause deep rooted issues that eventually produce bad fruit in our lives instead of the fruit Jesus says you will know us by (Love, joy, peace, patience Etc.)
He will replace fear with boldness. He will exchange your mourning for dancing! He will carry your burdens-yet pour out peace! He will trade your anger for joy! He will take the darkness and turn it into light! He will make beauty out of your ashes! If you need freedom in an area or even multiple areas in your life today pray this prayer with me...
Father God,
Thank you for giving me the access to complete freedom in You. Help me to recognize areas of my life where I am bound to things that don't produce good fruit. I want to have joy, peace, patience, love, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. I trust that you have better for me than what I am experiencing now. Give me the strength to address hard areas in my life so that I can walk in complete freedom! Amen!
In His Grip,
Sarah Abernathy