Many times when I am seeking The Lord for advice or direction, I get answers that are hard to swallow. Can any of you relate? As I was conversing with Him a few days ago praying and asking for favor in circumstances of ones that I hold dear, I had that very thing happen. I know what I heard Him saying to me as a result of what I was asking, but honestly I was shook to my core. God began to reveal to me "The Danger in Looking Back". I cant even count the number of times that I have messed up in my life. I have had to go humbly before The Lord and ask for His grace to cover me time and time again. When God rids something out of ours lives He does it with purpose! The bible tells us that He has a plan for us and that its a good one. He wants whats best for us not part of the time but all of the time! When we continue to return to areas in our lives that we have already conquered we open spiritual doors for the enemy to come in and cause destruction. I believe the enemy often knows our weaknesses better than we do. The bible tells us "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly" (Proverbs 26:11). I believe that too often we are like the dog, returning to sin, old habits, toxic friendships, and dangerous circumstances that God has asked us not to partake in and/or delivered us from. James tells us not to be deceived-God does not temp us or lead us to sin but each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires. If we give into the fleshly desires it births sin which ultimately leads to death.
I cant help but think of Lots wife becoming a pillar of salt because of her disobedience after she was told by the angels to escape for her life she instead "looked back" (Genesis 19:17). Just like the angels warned Lots wife, I believe God too warns His people of things to come and things to continue staying away from. Do we not trust The Lord enough to know that He knows the end result? He knows the things that will harm, hinder, and help us and is loving enough to lead and guide us along the way. We have to come to a point in our lives where we trust God enough to know what He has ahead for us is more valuable than what He is calling us to leave behind without returning!
You see, Lots wife perished not because she went back, but because she looked back. I pray today God have mercy on us, give us the strength to overcome temptation, the courage to stay set apart, and the wisdom to share with others the importance in never looking back.
In His Grip,
Sarah Abernathy